Best SERP Tracking Tools | List of Top SERP Checkers

In the vast landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), keeping a close eye on your rankings is paramount.

Being on the first page of search engine results is important for website owners and digital marketers.

This is where SERP checkers come into play. These invaluable tools allow you to track and monitor your website’s performance in search engine results pages (SERPs) effortlessly.

So what basically is SERP? A SERP tracking tool is a software or online tool designed to monitor and track the search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific search queries. These tools provide valuable insights into how a website or webpage ranks on search engine result pages and help SEO professionals and website owners analyze their organic search visibility.

These on-page SEO tools can assist with keyword research, competitor analysis, and tracking changes in SERP rankings over time.

This blog will explore the best SERP checkers available, offering a comprehensive overview of their features and benefits.

Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just starting your digital journey, this guide will help you find the perfect SERP checker to elevate your website’s visibility and drive organic traffic.

Top 16 Best SERP tracking tools

1. Google SERP Simulator

Google serp simulator

Google SERP simulator is a free online tool that helps you to view your webpage SERP snippet preview easily. It will display your title, meta tags, meta description, and how the link appears in SERP.

In addition to the SERP simulator, it also provides the following advanced features online for free.

2. Allintitle:

Allintitle’s SERP Tracker is a tool for checking how well keywords rank on search engines like Google. It helps users see where their keywords stand in search results and notifies them when there are big changes. This tool is useful for people who manage websites and want to improve their visibility online.

Key features:

  • Keyword Ranking Analysis: Shows how keywords rank on different search engines and tracks changes over time.
  • Ranking Distribution: Gives a visual chart of how keywords have moved in rankings over the last 30 days.
  • Ranking Trends: Provides updates on how rankings have changed over time.
  • Detailed Tracking: Allows users to track keywords for different locations and web pages in the same project.

Allintitle’s SERP Tracker is part of a larger set of tools for SEO (search engine optimization). It uses a subscription model, where users can pay to access its features, along with a token system for extra services.

3. Ahrefs:

Ahrefs is a paid comprehensive website SERP checker tool that provides detailed data and insights on a website’s performance on the SERP.

It offers keyword tracking, SERP analysis, competitor analysis, historical data, and mobile optimization.

Ahrefs also includes advanced features like keyword research, content optimization, and backlink analysis. It offers a 7-day trial for $7, and after that price starts from $99/month.

Key features:

  • The tool offers comprehensive keyword insights, allowing you to analyze search volumes, keyword difficulty, and traffic potential.
  •  AHREFS SERP Checker provides detailed SERP analysis, including organic search rankings, paid advertisements, and search volumes.
  •  AHREFS SERP Checker seamlessly integrates with other tools within the AHREFS suite.

4. Semrush:

With SEMrush, you can improve your online visibility with a wide range of tools.

It allows users to conduct keyword research, competitor analysis, and backlink tracking.

It provides detailed analytics on the website’s search engine performance. It enables users to track changes in rankings and monitor competitors’ performance. Its pricing starts from $119/month.

Key features:

  • Semrush SERP checker provides a snapshot view of the search results for a specific keyword.
  •  Users can see the organic search results, paid advertisements, and SERP features displayed for that keyword.
  •  Users can analyze metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC (Cost Per Click), competition level, and trend.

5. Moz

Moz offers a SERP (Search Engine Results Page) checker tool that provides valuable insights into keyword performance and SERP features.

Moz’s SERP checker provides authority metrics for the first page of search results for a specific keyword. It offers a 30-day free trial, and pricing starts from $99/month.

Key features:

  • Moz’s SERP checker identifies and reports various SERP features commonly appearing in Google SERPs.
  •  Moz provides a visual guide to Google’s SERP features, showcasing examples and explanations.
  •  Moz’s Keyword Explorer displays SERP feature data, allowing users to see which features are present for specific keywords.

6. SERP Robot:

SERP Robot is one of the best SERP (Search Engine Results Page) tracking tools, providing valuable insights and analysis for website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals.

It allows you to track the rankings of your website and specific keywords accurately. It provides up-to-date information on where your website stands in search results, helping you understand your organic visibility.

Key features:

It offers several advantages that make it a popular choice among users:

  • The tool lets you analyze SERP features, such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local packs.
  •  SERP Robot allows you to compare your website’s rankings with your competitors
  •  With SERP Robot, you can receive daily email updates on your keyword rankings.
  •  The tool offers a user-friendly interface, making navigating and understanding the data easy.
  •  It allows you to generate customizable reports to share with clients or stakeholders.
  •  SERP Robot offers various pricing plans, including a free option with limited features.
  •  SERP Robot prioritizes data privacy and security. Your website and keyword data are protected, ensuring confidentiality and peace of mind.

7. Seoquake:

Soquake is a popular browser extension that provides many SEO (Search Engine Optimization) metrics and data.

It allows you to perform on-page SEO analysis directly within your browser. It provides essential metrics such as page titles, meta descriptions, headings and keyword density.

Other key features include:

  • One of the critical features of SEOquake is its SERP overlay.
  •  It displays essential metrics directly on the search engine results pages (SERPs), allowing you to assess the competition quickly.
  •  You can see metrics such as organic search visibility, domain age, number of indexed pages, and social media shares, which helps you evaluate the strength of your competitors.
  •  It offers keyword research functionality, providing insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and related keywords.
  •  The tool allows you to analyze backlinks for any webpage.
  •  With SEOquake, you can perform a quick SEO audit of any webpage.

8. Whats My SERP:

What’s My SERP” provides accurate and up-to-date ranking data for your website.

It allows you to track your positions in search results across different search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Furthermore, it helps you monitor your website’s performance and make data-driven decisions to improve your rankings.

Other advantages:

  • The tool enables you to track multiple keywords for your website.
  •  The tool keeps a record of your website’s ranking history.’
  •  What’s My SERP offers customizable reports that allow you to generate and download comprehensive ranking reports for your website.
  •  What’s My SERP offers free and paid plans, making it a cost-effective solution for tracking your website’s rankings.
  •  The tool provides instant results, allowing you to quickly and conveniently obtain your website’s ranking data quickly and conveniently.


SERP Surf allows you to perform an in-depth analysis of search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords.

It provides accurate and up-to-date information on organic rankings, paid advertisements, featured snippets, and other SERP features.

This helps you understand the competitive landscape and identify opportunities to improve your website’s visibility.

Other advantages include:

  • You can track organic and paid rankings, discover the keywords your competitors are targeting, and gain insights into their ad campaigns.
  •  SERP Surf allows you to analyze and understand the different SERP features that appear for specific keywords.
  •  The tool provides historical data tracking, allowing you to monitor changes in SERP rankings over time.

10. Zutrix:

Zutrix provides accurate and real-time keyword tracking capabilities.

You can monitor the rankings of your target keywords across various search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Zutrix offers localized rank tracking, enabling you to monitor keyword rankings in specific locations and languages.

This feature especially benefits businesses targeting specific geographic regions or operating in multilingual markets.

Other key features:

  • The tool provides comprehensive data visualization features, presenting keyword rankings in easy-to-understand charts and graphs.
  •  Zutrix offers customizable alerts and notifications to inform you about essential keyword rankings changes.
  •  Zutrix offers API access, allowing you to integrate the tool with other platforms and applications.

11. Ubersuggest:

Ubersuggest SERP Checker offers accurate and reliable data on search engine results pages (SERPs).

This feature-packed tool empowers users to monitor and optimize their website’s performance in search engine rankings.

You can track your website’s organic rankings for specific keywords and monitor changes over time.

Key features:

  • One of the notable features of UberSuggest’s SERP Checker is its ability to track keyword rankings accurately and in real time.
  •  It also analyzes and tracks rich snippets and featured snippets.
  •  It provides comprehensive historical data on keyword rankings.

12. Thruuu Serp Checker

THRUUU’s SERP Checker is its ability to scrape up to 100 SERP results for a keyword on both desktop and mobile platforms.

This capability allows users to gather a significant amount of data from search engine result pages, enabling them to understand the competitive landscape thoroughly.

Key features:

  • THRUUU’s SERP Checker provides country and language-specific scraping, allowing users to obtain insights tailored to specific geographic regions and languages.
  •  Another valuable feature offered by THRUUU’s SERP Checker is the SERP Insights feature, which unlocks valuable competitive insights.
  •  It also includes the Headings Structure feature, which allows users to compare and improve their content by examining the structure of their competition’s articles.

13. SEObility:

SEObility, allows users to track their website’s position in search engine results for specific keywords or search queries.

It provides insights into how a website performs in search engine rankings, which is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of SEO strategies and making informed decisions for optimization.

Key features:

  • One of the critical features of a SERP Checker is the ability to rescan a website whenever needed.
  •  It also provides information on SERP snippets, which are the elements that appear in search engine results and typically consist of a meta title, meta description, and URL.
  •  A SERP Checker can also help users compare search results across different search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

14. Keyword rank checker:

The Keyword Rank Checker by Small SEO Tools is a tool designed to determine a website’s position or URL in search engine results, specifically Google, for a given keyword.

The primary purpose of the Keyword Rank Checker is to provide users with valuable insights into the rankings of their targeted keywords.

Key features:

  • The tool allows users to track the rankings of their keywords over time.
  •  With the Keyword Rank Checker, users can compare the rankings of different keywords.
  •  The tool stores historical keyword rankings data, allowing users to analyze past performance and identify patterns or changes in rankings over time.


While Google Search Console primarily focuses on providing insights and data about a website’s performance in Google search results.

It is directly connected to Google’s search engine, which means the data it provides is sourced directly from Google.

Key features:

  •  The Search Analytics feature in Google Search Console allows you to analyze the search queries that trigger impressions and clicks for your website.
  •  You can gain insights into how individual pages on your website perform in search results.
  •  Google Search Console provides information about the indexing status of your website’s pages.
  •  With the increasing importance of mobile-friendly websites, Google Search Console includes a Mobile Usability report.
  •  Google Search Console provides insights into the appearance of your website’s pages as rich results in search.
  •   The URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console lets you get real-time information about how Google crawls and indexes specific URLs on your website.

16. SpyFu Serp Checker:

With SpyFu’s SERP Checker, users can understand how specific keywords perform in organic search results and analyze the factors influencing keyword rankings.

It offers a rollup of important data related to a specific keyword, including the ranking difficulty.

Key features:

  • SpyFu’s SERP analysis allows users to dive deeper into the search engine results page.
  •  It enables users to carefully analyze the SERP and gain insights beyond what meets the eye.
  •  SpyFu’s SERP Checker is a powerful tool that allows users to explore keyword rankings, evaluate the competition, and gain insights from the search engine results page.

What is a SERP?

SERP stands for “search engine results page.” It is the page that a search engine (such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo) displays in response to a user’s query.

The SERP typically includes links to web pages that the search engine considers relevant and valuable to the user’s query, along with other information such as meta titles, meta descriptions, images, videos, and news articles.

The order of the links on the SERP is based on the search engine’s algorithm, which considers various factors such as the relevance and domain authority of the website, the user’s location, and the user’s search history.

SERPs typically include various types of results. They often contain organic search results, which are the non-paid listings generated by the search engine algorithm based on the relevance and quality of the web pages.

SERPs may also include paid Google Ads results, sponsored listings advertisers pay for to appear at the top or alongside the organic results.

What is a SERP checker tool?

A SERP checker tool is a software or online on-page SEO service that allows users to track their website’s ranking on SERPs for specific keywords.

These tools typically provide data and analytics on a website’s visibility and performance on the SERP. They allow users to monitor changes in their website’s rankings over time.

Some standard features of good SERP checker tools include:

Keyword tracking: Allows users to track the performance of their website for specific keywords or phrases.

SERP analysis: Provides data and insights on the top-ranking websites for a given keyword, including metrics such as domain authority, backlink profile, and organic search traffic.

Competitor analysis: This allows users to compare their website’s performance to their competitors’ and identify areas where they can improve their on-page SEO strategies.

Historical data: Allows users to view changes in their website’s SERP rankings over time and to identify trends and patterns in their performance.

Mobile optimization: Allows users to track their website’s performance on mobile devices and monitor mobile-specific optimization efforts.

SERP checker tools can be used by website owners, digital marketers, and SEO & SEM professionals to improve their website’s visibility and performance on the SERP and to stay ahead of the competition.

Main Elements of SERP:

Elements of SERP

Understanding SERPs and their components is essential for SEO professionals and marketers to optimize their websites and content, adapt to search engine algorithms, and improve their chances of appearing in relevant search results.

The main elements of a SERP (search engine results page) can include the following:

Paid Results: Sponsored or paid ads that appear at the top/bottom of the SERP.

Organic Results: The search engine’s algorithm determines the non-paid search results to be the most relevant to the user’s query.

Featured Snippets: A summary of the answer to a user’s query that appears at the top of the SERP, above the organic results.

Knowledge Graph: A summary of information about a person, place, or thing that appears on the right-hand side of the SERP.

Local Pack: A list of local businesses that appear for specific queries, such as “restaurants near me.”

Images: A grid of images that appears on the SERP for certain types of queries, such as “sunset pictures.”

Videos: A list of videos that appears on the SERP for certain types of queries, such as “How to tie a tie.”

News: A list of news articles appearing on the SERP for specific queries, such as “latest news on politics.”

Social media: Social media posts (e.g.,, Twitter) that appear on the SERP for specific queries.

These elements may vary depending on the user’s query and the search engine. Additionally, the layout and appearance of the SERP can differ depending on the device being used (e.g., mobile or desktop)

Five features to look for when choosing a free Serp checker

When choosing a free SERP checker, there are many features in mind. Based on the provided web search results, here are five parts to look for:

Accuracy of Rank Monitoring:

One of the crucial factors to consider is the accuracy of rank monitoring. You want a SERP checker that provides reliable and precise information about your website’s rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Accuracy ensures that you make well-informed decisions regarding your SEO strategy and track your progress effectively. Unfortunately, specific details about the accuracy of each tool were not explicitly mentioned in the search results.

Frequency and Depth of SERP Updates:

It’sChoosing a SERP checker that offers frequent and timely updates on search engine rankings is essential.

The frequency of updates determines how often you receive the latest data about your website’s performance. Additionally, the depth of SERP updates refers to the number of analyzed search engine result pages.

Look for a tool that provides real-time or near-real-time updates and comprehensively analyzes multiple SERPs to gather valuable insights.

Competitor Analysis Capabilities:

A good SERP checker should include competitor analysis features. These features enable you to compare your website’s performance with your competitors, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and develop a competitive edge.

Look for a tool that provides information on your competitors’ rankings, keywords, backlinks, and other relevant metrics. This analysis can help you identify opportunities and refine your SEO strategy.

Keyword Research and Analysis Features:

A robust SERP checker should offer comprehensive keyword research and analysis capabilities. Look for a tool that allows you to research and track keywords relevant to your website.

This includes features like keyword suggestions, search volume data, keyword difficulty analysis, and the ability to track keyword rankings over time.

These features are essential for optimizing your website’s content and staying competitive in search engine rankings.

User-Friendly Interface and Ease of Use:

While not explicitly mentioned in the search results, it is essential to consider the user-friendliness of the SERP checker.

A tool with an intuitive interface and easy navigation can save you time and enhance your overall experience. Look for a device that provides a smooth and efficient workflow, making it convenient for you to access and interpret the data.


How do I check my SERP rank?

You can check your SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rank by searching for your target keyword in a search engine like Google and locating your website in the search results. You can also use a SERP checker tool to automate this process and provide more detailed information about your website’s ranking position.

Is SERP free?

There are both free and paid SERP checker tools available. While some free SERP checker tools may offer basic features, more advanced and comprehensive agencies are usually paid.

What is the cheapest SERP tracker?

The cost of a SERP tracker tool can vary depending on the features and functionality it offers. However, popular and affordable options include SE Ranking, AccuRanker, and SERPWatcher by Mangools.

How do you analyze SERP?

You can use a SERP checker tool to analyze SERP to identify your target keywords’ ranking position and search traffic metrics. You can also explore the search results, noting the types of content and features displayed in the top results, and use this information to inform your SEO strategy.

What is the SERP rank tracker?

A SERP rank tracker tool allows you to check the ranking position of your website and competitors for specific keywords on search engine results pages. It provides data on keyword search volume, search traffic, and other metrics to help you optimize your SEO strategy and improve your website’s rankings.

How do I monitor SERP?

Monitoring SERP (search engine results page) involves regularly tracking and analyzing the rankings of your website or specific keywords on search engine result pages. This process helps you stay informed about your website’s visibility, evaluate your SEO efforts, and make informed decisions to improve your organic search performance. Here are some methods and tools to monitor SERP


Summing up, When choosing a SERP checker tool, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and budget and to check the pricing and features of each device to determine which one is the best fit for you. By using a good SERP checker tool, you can improve your website’s visibility and performance on the SERP and stay ahead of the competition.






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