outbound links

Outbound Links Boost Your SEO When Used Strategically

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Benefits of Outbound Links
  3. Strategies for using outbound links
  4. Optimizing link Placement on Page
  5. Final Thoughts


Outbound links lead readers away from your website to an external domain. Although some fear losing visitors this way, strategically placed links can dramatically improve your SEO.

First, understand that not all outbound links are created equal. Links to low-quality, irrelevant sites can damage your reputation. But links to authoritative, useful resources in your niche provide value for readers while signaling search engines that your site is trusted. The key is being selective.

For example, as an educational blogger, linking to research studies or expert articles shows you align with trusted sources. Avoid linking to spammy pages just to gain a link back.

With the right strategy, outbound link exchange value rather than leak it. We’ll explore proven techniques to dramatically amplify your SEO through purposeful, high-quality outbound linking.

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Outbound links provide multiple SEO perks when used properly. Let’s examine the top benefits.

Helps establish domain authority

First, linking to authoritative external sources helps establish your own domain authority. It shows you align with trusted sites in your space. This lends credibility. Use relevant, strategic links to tap into the authority of sources you link to.

Shows search engines you are a trusted resource

Outbound links also demonstrate to search engines that your site is a trusted resource worthy of ranking well. By recommending valuable pages, you show your value as a curator of quality information. Avoid low-value links just for SEO.

Builds relationships with other authoritative sites

Furthermore, thoughtful outbound links build relationships with influential sites. Linking out generously can lead to well-earned reciprocal links back to your content. It can also gain social shares when you link to shareable resources.

This expands your network of backlinks naturally. Aim to link out to sites more likely to return the value through links and shares.

Diversifies link profile

Outbound links additionally diversify your link profile’s anchor text and sources. This looks natural versus only having self-referential internal links. Strike a balance between internal links and relevant outbound links.

The key to maximizing SEO value from outbound links is being selective and strategic with your placements. Here are some tips:

Choose reputable, relevant sites to link to

Always link out to reputable, high-quality sites that are relevant to your industry. Link to major food brands and chef resources for a cooking site rather than random sites. This builds trust and authority.

Link to authority resources your audience will find valuable

Ensure the external resources you link to are valuable references your audience will appreciate. They should find the links useful, not just placed for SEO. Link to resources likely to inform, educate or entertain your readers.

Use keyword-relevant anchor text.

When possible, use anchor text with keywords related to the linked page. This gives more context to search engines than generic text like “click here.” But don’t over-optimize every link’s anchor text.

Vary anchor text, don’t over-optimize

Vary your outbound link anchor text across many natural phrases. Avoid repetitive, robotic anchor text profiles. Look at competitors for a variety of inspiration.

Place links naturally in the content

Place outbound links naturally within your content, not just lists at the end. Link to an authoritative source when referencing its information in your post. This feels editorial, not artificial.

Use nofollow on untrusted/ads/user-generated links.

Use nofollow on links you don’t fully trust, like ads or user-generated content. This omits the SEO value but still provides readers the context.

Limit to editorially-placed links; avoid buying links

Limit outbound links to those you editorially place yourself. Avoid buying links just for SEO purposes without real value for users.

Monitor outbound link quality and performance.

Regularly monitor your links for performance and quality. Fix or remove any broken links, and prune low-quality or toxic domains.

Link early in content to reduce bounce rate.

Where you place outbound links on a page also matters for maximizing impact.

Try linking to credible sources early in your content. This helps reduce the bounce rate by showing readers there is useful information ahead worth staying for. Don’t make readers scroll endlessly before linking out.

Link later in the content to keep people reading.

You can also place relevant outbound links later in the content to encourage continuation. Readers will click through knowing they’ve already gotten value from your page. Use outbound links to lead readers deeper into your funnel.

Balance internal links and outbound links.

Additionally, aim for a balance between internal links and external links. Too many outbound links too soon may signal to search engines that your page lacks authority. But too few links look unnatural. Blend both types seamlessly.

Follow your reader’s journey and consider linking contextually where it aids the experience. For example, when mentioning external stats from a study, don’t just link at the end. Place links where readers expect and want to see them.

Final thoughts

Outbound links may seem like you’re giving value away, but they can dramatically improve your SEO when used strategically. To recap, selectively link out to build relationships with authority sites, diversify your profile, and demonstrate credibility. Be generous with value, not reckless with links. Monitor performance and placements.

With the right relevant, high-quality outbound link strategy, you leverage the power of external sites rather than leaking authority. So start putting these tips into practice. Analyze competitors, nurture partnerships, and place valuable links. You’ll be on the road to leveraging outbound links for SEO success.





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