guide to pinterest algorithm

The Ultimate Guide To Pinterest Algorithm

Are you using Pinterest to grow your blog, e-commerce store, or website traffic? Are you tired of seeing your pins get lost in the algorithm and not getting enough reach? If so, you’re not alone. Pinterest’s algorithm can be challenging to understand, and it is constantly changing. In this article, we’ll explore the Pinterest algorithm, how it works, and what you can do to boost your pins and increase your organic traffic.

Introduction to Pinterest Algorithm

pinterest algorithm

Pinterest is a social media platform that works differently from other platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Pinterest focuses on the discovery of new content, inspiring users to explore new ideas, and providing them with personalized recommendations. To accomplish this, Pinterest uses a complex algorithm that analyzes user data, content, and user behavior to deliver personalized results.

How Pinterest Algorithm Works

Pinterest algorithm is designed to show users the most relevant and engaging content. The algorithm takes into account several factors, including:

1. User Engagement

The Pinterest algorithm prioritizes content that users are engaging with. Engagement can be in the form of saves, clicks, comments, and shares. The more engagement a pin receives, the higher it ranks in the algorithm.

2. Quality of Pins

The quality of pins plays a crucial role in the Pinterest algorithm. Pinterest prioritizes high-quality pins that are visually appealing, well-designed, and contain high-quality images. Pins that meet these criteria have a higher chance of being shown to users.

3. Relevance of Pins

The relevance of pins is another important factor that the Pinterest algorithm considers. Pins that are relevant to a user’s interests, search history, and engagement history are more likely to be shown to them. To increase the relevance of your pins, it is essential to use keywords that accurately describe the content of your pins.

4. Freshness of Pins

Pinterest algorithm prioritizes fresh pins that are new and have not been seen before. It is essential to create new content consistently and avoid reposting old pins. Pinterest rewards accounts that create fresh content regularly.

5. Pin Descriptions

The descriptions of pins play a critical role in the Pinterest algorithm. Pinterest uses the text in the descriptions to understand the content of the pins and to determine their relevance. To optimize your descriptions, make sure they accurately describe the content of your pins and include relevant keywords.

6. Keywords

Keywords are another essential factor in the Pinterest algorithm. Pinterest uses keywords to understand the content of the pins and to determine their relevance to a user’s search query. It is essential to use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions and board names.

7. Pinning Frequency

The frequency of pinning is another important factor in the Pinterest algorithm. It is recommended to pin at least 10-15 times per day, spread out over the course of the day, to keep your account active and engaged.

8. Board Quality

The quality of your boards is also an essential factor in the Pinterest algorithm. It is essential to organize your boards in a logical way and use relevant keywords in your board names and descriptions.

How to Optimize Your Pins for Pinterest Algorithm

Optimize Your Pins for Pinterest Algorithm

To optimize your pins for the Pinterest algorithm, follow these tips:

1. Create High-Quality Pins

Create high-quality pins that are visually appealing, well-designed, and contain high-quality images. Use images that are bright, clear, and of high resolution. Avoid using blurry or pixelated images as they can hurt your pin’s performance.

2. Write Descriptive Pin Descriptions

Write descriptive pin descriptions that accurately describe the content of your pins. Use relevant keywords in your descriptions to increase their relevance and visibility.

3. Use Relevant Keywords

Use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions and board names to improve their visibility in search engine results page. Use keywords that accurately describe the content of your pins and boards.

4. Pin Consistently

Pin consistently to keep your account active and engaged. It is recommended to pin at least 10-15 times per day, spread out over the course of the day. Use a scheduling tool like Tailwind to save time and streamline your pinning process.

5. Repin Popular Content

Repin popular content from other accounts in your niche to increase your account’s visibility and engagement. Look for content that is relevant and has a high engagement rate. Repinning popular content can help you attract new followers and increase your reach.

6. Join Group Boards

Join group boards in your niche to increase your reach and engagement. Look for group boards that are active and have a high engagement rate. Joining group boards can help you connect with other bloggers and influencers in your niche and increase your visibility on Pinterest.

7. Analyze Your Analytics

Analyze your Pinterest analytics regularly to track your performance and identify areas for improvement. Look for pins and boards that are performing well and try to replicate their success. Use the data from your analytics to inform your content strategy and improve your overall performance on Pinterest.

Hacks to Beat Pinterest Algorithm

hacks to beat pinterest algorithm

Create fresh content:

Pinterest rewards accounts that consistently create fresh and original content. Repinning is great, but try to create new pins regularly to keep your content fresh and interesting.

Optimize for mobile:

Pinterest is primarily used on mobile devices, so make sure your pins and website are optimized for mobile viewing. This includes using high-quality images, creating clear and concise descriptions, and making sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Collaborate with others:

Collaborate with other creators or brands in your niche to create group boards, cross-promote each other’s content, or participate in community events. This can help you reach new audiences and increase your visibility on the platform.

Use Pinterest ads:

If you have a budget for advertising, consider using Pinterest ads to promote your content. Pinterest’s advertising platform allows you to target specific audiences and promote your pins to users who are likely to be interested in your content.


Pinterest algorithm can be challenging to understand, but by following these tips and best practices, you can optimize your pins and increase your reach and engagement. Remember to create high-quality pins, use relevant keywords, pin consistently, repin popular content, join group boards, and analyze your analytics regularly. By following these strategies, you can boost your pins and increase your traffic from Pinterest.


How can I increase my reach on Pinterest?

To increase your reach on Pinterest, create high-quality pins, use relevant keywords, pin consistently, repin popular content, join group boards, and analyze your analytics regularly.

Can I repost old pins on Pinterest?

It is recommended to create fresh content regularly and avoid reposting old pins. Pinterest algorithm prioritizes fresh pins that are new and have not been seen before.

Should I focus on the number of followers on Pinterest?

While having a large number of followers can be beneficial, it is more important to focus on creating high-quality content, using relevant keywords, and engaging with your audience to increase your reach and engagement on Pinterest.

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